Bulk Buying Made Easy with Symbiote Collectibles!
We are no longer buying Pokemon bulk at this time.
We Buy a lot more then just bulk Click Here to learn more. We also pay more on higher end cards including vintage cards, and higher prices EX, GX, V & VMax. We also offer Magic the Gathering bulk buying just put Magic the Gathering in the Ex, Gx section. Don't feel like sorting you bulk just guesstimate what you got and put your card amount in the first category.
Symbiote Collectibles is making selling your Pokémon bulk easy! Simply enter the number of cards in each category and your name and click submit!
Example 1000 Bulk Common & Uncommon 72 Bulk Rare 53 Bulk Holographic 25 Bulk EX, GX, V, VMAX Your First Name & Last Name We will get notified on our end after you hit submit! Then simply stop by Symbiote Collectibles (514 Penn ave. West Reading PA, 19611 between 11am-7pm Monday-Saturday and 12:30-5 Sunday. You must be over 18 and have a State ID. Pro Tip: Separate the bulk into the listed product categories before bring them in store, this will speed up the process. Notice: Symbiote Collectibles is not a Pawn Shop we do not give out loans, pawn, or buy gold, silver, or coins. We have a right to refuse to buy any item for any reason at any time. For any and all sales state ID must be given and all sellers must be at least 18 or have a parent or guardian present in store with them to sign off on any sale. We also require a sales contract. |
Symbiote Collectibles Gym!
We are so excited to announce that Symbiote Collectibles was picked to be a part of Niantic's Local Business Recovery Initiative!!! Thank you so much to Niantic, Pokemon Go Berks PA discord, and all the local Pokemon Go community that helped us get the nomination!! For the next year Symbiote Collectibles will be an in game Gym!!! We will be able to run special events and raids in the future as well!!!
Pokemon Go & Symbiote CollectiblesMax the owner of Symbiote Collectibles is an avid Pokemon Go trainer. We get question about the game in store fairly regularly so we put together this page of our website to cover some basics and give trainers some resources and information. If you are ever in the shop feel free to ask to battle, trade, or check out our Pokemon. If you can beat us in a battle we can even give you 10% off!
Local Reading PA Pokemon GO Groups!If you live in the Reading/Berks county area here are a few groups you may want to join to be in the local know about Pokemon Go!
Type Advantage Chart
The type advantage chart shows how different kinds of Pokemon can deal normal, double, or half damage. For example, if you are attacking, you want to look at the red attacker area on the left side of the chart and find Water. You can see a green 2 indicating that you do double damage to Fire types. Next to the 2, you will see two red 1/2 under Water and Grass meaning you do half damage to those types. Any type with an empty white square indicates you do neutral damage to that Pokemon. Now if you look at Ground on the attacker side and go to Flying on the defending side, you will see a black 0. This means you do no damage to that type of Pokemon in the main series game. In Go, this would just do far less than normal damage. If you want to use this chart to see what Pokemon would be best to use on a specific type of Pokemon, just go to the defending type and look for a Pokemons type that does double damage while only taking half damage. For example, using a Grass type against a Water type would be super effective, but using a Water type against a Grass type will be not very effective.
Trainer Tips Videos
For the most up to date and accurate information related to Pokémon Go, check out Trainer Tips for great videos every day!
Symbiote Collectibles Sponsors Pokemon Go Berks County Discord.
Old News in Pokemon Go.
Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto
Ever since 1996, “Which version are you getting?” has been an important question for Pokémon fans. Similar to the original game series, Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto will feature different versions of the ticketed experience, each with version-exclusive Pokémon. To collect the first 150 Pokémon originally discovered in Kanto, you’ll need to trade with friends who have the other event version. Version-exclusive Pokémon will be attracted to Incense during event hours. Additionally, you’ll have a greater chance of encountering certain Shiny Pokémon depending on which version you choose, as outlined below. Once you choose your event version, you can’t change it, so pick carefully! Note that you’ll pick your version closer to the event date, so don’t worry about choosing right now. Symbiote Collectibles put together a visual to see the exclusive Pokémon for each version!
Egg Chart
Egg Chart Updated: 9/4/17
Evolution Item Drop Rates
These current drop rates are from 23,700 recorded pokestop spins. These rates might have changed as of February 2017, drop rate percentages may have been reworked. I will continue to update this website as new information comes out about drop rate percentage.
Top 10 Pokemon in Pokemon Go
[source] Posted 5/16/2018
Mew Quest is Here!
The Mew quest line is here! if you need any help or want a quick overview to everything you will need to do click here. Many people seem to be stuck on the catch a ditto so here is a reminder of all the things ditto can disguise itself as. The Mew quest line is the first of many new quests now added into the game. Along with the Mew quest line other new features have been added to the game including field research which gives you tasks to complete each day to receive a stamp, when you get seven stamps you get a chance to catch a legendary Pokemon currently Moltres. You can do as much field research as you want each day but you can only get one stamp per day after completing the research. 4/23/18
Gen. 3 Pokemon CONFIRMED
Published 10/13/2017 Speculation on whether the Halloween event will contain gen. 3 Pokemon is increasing after CEO's last interview. Niantic CEO John Hanke recently told Taiwanese magazine Business Weekly the following "So I think the next secret weapon will be launch of the next Pokemon generation. I hope the players will sooon see them." Some speculate that the additional O's in soon hint at the Halloween event being when gen three drops but, the added O's could have just been a translation error from the original Taiwanese article. Personally I think that the Halloween event may introduce a few ghost and dark type Pokemon I am not sure if we will get a full gen. 3 release this soon.
Gen. 3 ghosts and dark Pokemon confirmed for this years Halloween event from 10/20-11/2 2017.
Gen. 3 ghosts and dark Pokemon confirmed for this years Halloween event from 10/20-11/2 2017.
Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go
Pokemon IVs
Pokemon IV or Individual Values are hidden states that let you know more about the potential growth of a pokemon. The higher a Pokemon's IVs are the higher that Pokemon's max CP. For example a Vaporeon with perfect IVs at level 40 would have a CP of 3157. If however that same Vaporian all powered up but with low IVs 0%-10% it max CCP would be around 2245. The chart below will let you get a idea of what your pokemon's IVs are. If you want to get even more accurate IV information simply follow the link.
Tier Four Raid Bosses. [source]
Raids are a newer addition to the game that allow you to battle more challenging supercharged Pokemon. If you are able to defeat the raid boss you get a chance to catch that Pokemon! Raid bosses are split into 5 categories tier 1,2,3,4, and 5 tier 1-3 are able to be defeated solo if you are a high level player 30+. You are able to battle with up to 20 other players and you are able to bring 6 of your Pokemon into battle. Having other people is necessary to defeat the higher tier raid bosses like 4 and 5 which tier 5 is legendary Pokemon!